Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Trip to Maryland

This is one of those pictures they will be very upset about in 12 years
Dude, what are you doing to my cake??
The Birthday Boy
My extended family on my dad's side-Chris, Johnny, Jenny, Janet, Uncle Buddy, Jessica, Charlie, Shannon, Audrey, Maxwell, Evan, Me, Jack and CeeCee
Sure wish Nani would spoil us

The last weekend of March we travelled to Maryland to help celebrate Connor's first birthday and to see family and friends (although sadly we ran out of time to see much of the latter). Do you notice a trend, we've been out of town every weekend for the last month? I love to travel, but it is getting to be a bit much. We had a great time on our trip, got to spend lots of time with both Joe and my families. I got to see a some friends from college/post college and Evan got lots of time with Griffin, Connor and Nani.  Here are a few that did.

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