Friday, December 24, 2010

Santa at Bass Pro Shop

The other day I took the kids to go see Santa at Bass Pro Shop. Not exactly my typical hangout, but I heard that they had a cool Winter Wonderland and that your first picture with Santa was free. This time of the year, I'm all about free! Despite the deer heads all over the walls that really freak me out, it was pretty cool. They had Santa's village, a place where you can write him a letter and color a picture and a place for treats. It was decorated really cute and the line for Santa was non existent. On the down side, they also had deer hunting games to play, sweet, practice shooting Rudolph!
Claire's a little less thrilled with Santa this time, or perhaps it's the deer's head on the wall in front of her, we'll never know....

Evan did decide to write Santa a new letter this time. And I got to keep it for nostalgia's sake. He wrote this all on his own, just asked me how to spell a few words. What would a 4 year old who got everything he could want for his 4th birthday possibly ask Santa for Christmas? Well he started with an iTouch, but I was able to talk him down into using dad's and asking for an iTunes gift card to buy games for dad's. Next year I see a laptop on this list!

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