Evan turned four on December 18! We celebrated for about a month, which is appropriate, right? The week of his birthday, Nani came for a visit. We went to Disney World, which was very surprisingly not crowded. He got to ride Big Thunder Mountain two times in a row, and about every other ride he wanted to while we were there. We even got to see the Castle Show twice and the Shake it, Celebrate It Street Party. The next day, Nani and Joe took him to see the new Narnia. The first Narnia, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is his absolute most favorite movie. So, he has been anxiously awaiting the newest one, The Dawn Treader. He seemed to really enjoy Narnia #3 and then got to go to McDonald's, his favorite place to eat in the whole world. On his actual birthday, he opened his presents and then we took him to the T-Rex Cafe at Downtown Disney. We were a little tired of cake by that point, so he asked for his new favorite desert, chocolate pudding pie. I think he had a wonderful birthday (week/month...).

Here's some info on Evan at 4:
Height: about 42 inches, we don't go to the doctor until Feb
Weight: 37 pounds
Clothes: size 4T pants and shorts, size 5 or 6 shirts
Shoes: Size 12
Favorite Food: Waffles (Ego Blueberry Nutrigrain EVERY SINGLE morning), chocolate milk, yogurt, apple sauce, bananas, oranges, chicken nuggets, fries, hot dogs, grilled cheese, ketchup (tomato) soup, broccoli, peanut butter and jelly, pasta, avocado, ham sandwiches, any type of cake, desert, marshmallow or ice cream. He surprisingly does not like mac and cheese or cheese by itself.
Favorite Books: Dr. Seuss, Llama series, anything with Star Wars or Superheros
Favorite Movies: Narnia, his favorite Christmas movie seems to the How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Favorite TV Show: Star Wars the Clone Wars, Scooby Doo and Super Why
Favorite Activities: Riding his Big Wheel and now his bike he got for his birthday, playing with his characters, playing baseball, playing dress-up (enjoys Star Wars Characters and Superheros most, but likes anything that involves "battle"), playing the Wii (lego Star Wars, lego Batman, Scooby Doo), telling me the ratings of every show and movie he comes across knowing he can only see G and PG (if I say they are ok), playing on the computer-loves PBSkids.com, playing his leapster, arts and crafts, soccer, swimming, wrestling with dad and playing with his friends.
Milestones: He can now read a Level 1 book by himself. He is constantly impressing us by how well he is reading and spelling. He is on a spelling kick right now where he spells everything he does. Like he'll leave the room and come back and say, "Hey M-O-M, I'm B-A-C-K". He is getting a lot better at his writing too. He gets so frustrated with himself when he writes a letter the wrong way (I'm afraid he got some of my personality!).
Personality: He is such a sweet sensitive kid, with a stubborn streak to boot. But he is typically so well behaved. He does not like to get in trouble at all, and seems to be such a great listener for others (and mostly for us). He is the best big brother ever, he cares so much for Claire and is always looking out for her. He is a daredevil, nothing seems to scare him. He wants to go on the fastest, biggest roller coaster he can and counts his accomplishments on inches grown-towards his next roller coaster level. His mind works a mile a minute and he continuously shocks us by the things he asks and what he says. He is like a 12 year old trapped in a 4 year old's body. He is fun loving and could run and chase for hours. He is FAST! I used to let him win in racing, now I seriously have to book it to catch him. He is still very attached to mom and dad and has a hard time at school sometimes, missing us. It's very sweet, because soon enough he'll want nothing to do with us. He is extremely opinionated and wants what he wants. He does not back down (did I mention stubborn?). He loves to be the center of attention and is Mr. Social. He will talk to anyone and tell them anything. He loves to give random hugs and kisses. He'll just come up to me, give me the biggest hug and tell me he loves me.

Happy 4th Birthday Evan!
Dancing at Disney
With Nani and Claire at Disney
For me??
Loving his new Nerf Gun
Dressed as Boba Fett (Star Wars)
Superhero Face Painting at Disney
I can hardly believe it's been 4 years since Evan blessed our family. It's been a wonderful four years. He has taught us so much about life and ourselves. Happy 4th Birthday buddy! Daddy, Claire and I love you so much!!