Monday, August 30, 2010
Evan is 3 years, 8 months and a half give or take....
Well I just had to get Evan's pictures taken too while I took Claire. So even though he's not at any real milestone, it's nice to have some professional pics of my little man. He's getting to be so grown up. Note the bandaids on each leg in the bottom pic. He doesn't have any injuries, just likes bandaids these days and refused to take them off. I figured it wasn't worth the fight and now I'll always remember the "bandaid stage".
Claire is 6 months!
Last Thursday, August 26, Claire turned 6 months old. I sound like a broken record at this point, but how in the world have 6 months flown by?? I cannot believe that my baby is 6 months old. Here are some stats on Claire at 6 months:

Height: 27 1/4 inches (95%, which is off the charts)
Weight: 21 pounds (95%, which is off the charts)
Sleeping Patterns: takes 2 1.5 hour naps and 2 45 minute naps a day; sleeps from 7pm-6am. Woo, that 6am has been painful, but really only because she spoiled us from the beginning being a perfect sleeper. I just need to go to bed a little earlier to be ready to start my day at 6am
Eating: She eats about 28-30 ounces of formula a day and eats baby food twice a day. She has tried rice cereal, oatmeal, avocado, pears, apples, sweet potatoes, carrots, chicken, mango, blueberries, turkey and banana. So far, so good. She likes them all and no allergies. I keep telling myself I am waiting for her to try everything and not be allergic, then I will make my own baby food like I did with Evan. But, man I had so much more time then. Much much much much more time. But, the homemade stuff is so much better tasting. We'll see, I am trying to psych myself up for it!! The good news is, she doesn't appear to be a picky eater and gets super excited to eat. Not surprising to see she is 21 pounds!
Diapers: Size 3
Clothes: Dresses and some separates 6-12 month, one pieces (bubbles, onsies, etc): 12-18 month
Favorite Books: Baby Boo, Mirror Me Baby Einstein
Favorite Song: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Favorite Games/Activities: Peek-a-boo, This is the way the ___ Rides (lady, racer, gentlemen)
Favorite Person: Evan
New Tricks: Can sit up really well unsupported, now can play with so many more toys; still can only roll over to her stomach from her back, can't roll the other way-21 lbs is a lot to roll!
Watch Out For: She is a grabber and will hold on tight to anything, whether it be chunks of my hair, the side of the infant bathtub, her toys or her spoon while being fed
New Discoveries: Her tongue and her feet-she just discovered she can stick out her tongue and does it constantly much to Evan's delight. He loves to copy her and stick his out as well. She now puts her feet in her mouth as well, one of my favorite of Evan's baby tricks.
Teeth: None yet, but you have taken drool to a whole new level. I now think that you will get one of your bottom middle teeth first, it seems swollen down there and that eye tooth has made no headway in weeks.
Demeanor: Still the happiest, calmest baby on the block.
Milestones: Not long after she turned 5 months (and weighed 20lbs), we decided to pull her out of her infant carrier and put her in Evan's britax, faced backwards. We got her a snazzy new car seat cover so it looks less like a hand me down, and Evan got a nice new car seat that will turn into a booster when he needs it. I miss the carrier so much because Claire won't transfer well at all, but she likes being in the car so much more and I know that she is safe and not too big for the carrier. Plus, that thing was a nightmare to carry, it weighed so much.
Mom's favorite part of 6 months old: I love that Evan and Claire fully interact now. If she is crying in the car, Evan will sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider to her and make her laugh. He will play with her and loves her attention. If he is in the room, she does not take her attention off of him, she just loves him and loves his excitement for life! He is pretty entertaining with all the dressing up he does to. To know exactly what she is thinking, that would be priceless!!
Of course I took Claire to get her 6 month pictures taken and then had to get a few of the two of them together. They turned out wonderfully and are further proof that my children are identical to each other.

Height: 27 1/4 inches (95%, which is off the charts)
Weight: 21 pounds (95%, which is off the charts)
Sleeping Patterns: takes 2 1.5 hour naps and 2 45 minute naps a day; sleeps from 7pm-6am. Woo, that 6am has been painful, but really only because she spoiled us from the beginning being a perfect sleeper. I just need to go to bed a little earlier to be ready to start my day at 6am
Eating: She eats about 28-30 ounces of formula a day and eats baby food twice a day. She has tried rice cereal, oatmeal, avocado, pears, apples, sweet potatoes, carrots, chicken, mango, blueberries, turkey and banana. So far, so good. She likes them all and no allergies. I keep telling myself I am waiting for her to try everything and not be allergic, then I will make my own baby food like I did with Evan. But, man I had so much more time then. Much much much much more time. But, the homemade stuff is so much better tasting. We'll see, I am trying to psych myself up for it!! The good news is, she doesn't appear to be a picky eater and gets super excited to eat. Not surprising to see she is 21 pounds!
Diapers: Size 3
Clothes: Dresses and some separates 6-12 month, one pieces (bubbles, onsies, etc): 12-18 month
Favorite Books: Baby Boo, Mirror Me Baby Einstein
Favorite Song: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Favorite Games/Activities: Peek-a-boo, This is the way the ___ Rides (lady, racer, gentlemen)
Favorite Person: Evan

Watch Out For: She is a grabber and will hold on tight to anything, whether it be chunks of my hair, the side of the infant bathtub, her toys or her spoon while being fed
New Discoveries: Her tongue and her feet-she just discovered she can stick out her tongue and does it constantly much to Evan's delight. He loves to copy her and stick his out as well. She now puts her feet in her mouth as well, one of my favorite of Evan's baby tricks.
Teeth: None yet, but you have taken drool to a whole new level. I now think that you will get one of your bottom middle teeth first, it seems swollen down there and that eye tooth has made no headway in weeks.
Demeanor: Still the happiest, calmest baby on the block.
Milestones: Not long after she turned 5 months (and weighed 20lbs), we decided to pull her out of her infant carrier and put her in Evan's britax, faced backwards. We got her a snazzy new car seat cover so it looks less like a hand me down, and Evan got a nice new car seat that will turn into a booster when he needs it. I miss the carrier so much because Claire won't transfer well at all, but she likes being in the car so much more and I know that she is safe and not too big for the carrier. Plus, that thing was a nightmare to carry, it weighed so much.

Of course I took Claire to get her 6 month pictures taken and then had to get a few of the two of them together. They turned out wonderfully and are further proof that my children are identical to each other.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Evan's First Day of School
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First day of school 2010- 3 years, 8 months |
Evan's friends Bowen and Stevie are in his class this year, but his other friends from last year are in the other 2 classes. Although we are both sad that his other friends aren't in his class, I am thrilled with his teachers and know that this will be a good opportunity for Evan to make some new friends as well. I'm also pretty excited he is in school 3 days a week now. Whatever will I do with myself??? Oh yeah, work and take care of Claire :)!
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Evan insisted on taking a picture with his sister on his 1st day, too sweet! |
Rainy Day Fun
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Helping Claire apply her lipstick, although he thought it was a baby bottle, since I never wear lipstick! |
Seriously Mom, I love him, but do you really trust him here? |
Too cute for words! |
Pool Day
Right before he did a back flip |
Maxwell's turn |
Grandma Sherry & Audrey |
Maxwell and Charlie |
Who needs a raft? |
More Pics From Gatorland
Monday, August 16, 2010
Don't Try This at Home
Today I took Evan to Gatorland with some of our friends. We had a good time checking out all of the gators, snakes and turtles from a distance. Evan also enjoyed the big splash pad park and train ride. But a day out with Evan would not be complete with a little danger. Evan really is truly my kid in so many ways-outgoing, talkative, dramatic, etc. But he does not for one second get his daring, courageous spirit from me. His day was not going to be complete at Gatorland without holding a gator and a snake at the same time. I offered to sit with him, but he wanted to do it all by himself. I was secretly very relieved that I did not have to sit near those reptiles, but at the same time pretty terrified that my 3 year old was going to hold them!!! But Evan was happy as can be, holding the gator while the snake is wrapped around his neck. When he was finished he was sure to tell everyone who would listen how brave he is, see that's my kid after all!!! But seriously...what is he going to want to do when he is 4? Go skydiving?
Friday, August 13, 2010
Tubing by himself!
I can't believe I forgot to post a picture of Evan actually tubing by himself while we were in Virginia!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Trying to sit up
I look like I could tip over, but I got myself right back up on my own |
Check out that drool, I think I may be getting my first tooth! | And mom thinks its going to be an eye tooth, yikes! |
Wow, this is cool. This is way better than the view from the swing! |
Claire & Audrey
Last Friday we got to spend the whole day with Audrey! We had so much fun together, she is getting so big. Most especially, she is talking up a storm!! She definitely puts 2 and 3 words together at a time, it makes it so easy to communicate with her. She was definitely loving on Claire and Claire was loving her time with Audrey. So soon they will be able to really play with one another. But for now, I'm glad they aren't growing up too fast.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Claire & Davis' Baptisms
Bryan, Davis, Claire and me |
Laura, Davis, Bryan, Joe, Claire, Me |
Claire being baptized |
Davis being baptized |
Receiving the oils of chrism |
Parents, Godparents, Msgr. John Urell, Davis & Claire |
Claire with her parents and godparents, Aunt Kathy and Uncle Kevin |
Future Altar Server? Evan was so happy to have a role, and did such a great job! |
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Grandma & Baba with Evan & Claire |
Joe, Me and Claire |
Claire with her parents and grandparents |
Anne, Claire and me |
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Look Mom, I can hold Claire all by myself not sitting down! Yikes... |
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Uncle John, Joe & Claire |
Joe, Dave & Kevin |
Kathy, Audrey, Peggy, Brooke and Kate |
Evan, Avery, Katelynn & Kayla |
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