Meeting Claire for the first time

Nani with her #1 fans
I cannot believe that Claire will be a week old tomorrow. Time, as always, flies by way too fast. This past week has been
relatively stress free (it's still me and we did just have a baby!). It would have been much more stressful had Nani not been here for the last week. She has been a LIFESAVER! I am so appreciative to her for coming down for this past week and completely spoiling Evan. He has had a blast with her and because he has been so happy, I did not worry about him one time while in the hospital. I knew he was in great hands. She has taken him to Disney World, his friend Bowen's birthday party and a character breakfast. She has even jumped on the trampoline with him! Plus she has spoiled him with more presents then a 3 year old knows what to do with.

As if we needed actual proof she's a cool grandma!
Smiling with his Star Wars puzzle that Nani bought him,
he completed it almost all by himself,
it's a puzzle for kids 5 and older!
She has also spoiled us, making us wonderful meals and just helping around the house. I am going to be very sad when she leaves us tomorrow to go back to Maryland. Thank you Nani for all of your help! We love you :)
1 comment:
It looks like Nani is having as much fun as Evan!
Evan and Claire are so lucky to have such a great Nani.
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