The Neville family packed up the Camry and headed to Charleston, SC for the 4th of July. Considering Evan despises road trips longer then 45 minutes, you can understand why I was a little concerned about the drive, but we really wanted to go see our friends. So, I gave in and bought a DVD player for the car. Reflecting back on the trip, I wonder why it is that I waited this long. That thing is a gift from heaven. It took about 7 hours to get there each way and Evan may have fussed for about 15 minutes TOTAL (to be fair, the drive up there took place at night, while he was sleeping, but the drive back was all day long). As I have mentioned before Evan is quite the Big Bird fan and so, thank you Big Bird for captivating him for the ride in your 1985 flick, Follow That Bird. We also tried Big Bird Goes to Japan, which did hold his attention, but he did not love it as much.
While we were in Charleston, we stayed with our friends Jen & Matt, who used to work with us, but have gone on to do development for The Citadel and the Diocese of Charleston respectively. We also got to spend a good amount of time with our other friends Abby (friend from college) & Bryan. I love that they are all friends now, as I introduced them a few years ago. We also got to meet their friends, who were all as wonderful as they are. Some of their friends have children close to Evan's age which was a lot of fun, the kids became quick friends. Evan even got a girlfriend, Taylor (but don't worry Avery, it's over now). Oh and Charlie-we can't leave him out. He's Jen's dog, whom Evan adores. Most of you know how Joe and I are SO not dog people, but if I knew I would have a dog like Charlie, I would honestly get one tomorrow.
We had the best time at the pool, on the beach and stuffing our faces all weekend long. The highlight could have been the 4th of July parade that their neighborhood had. I am having one of these in my neighborhood next year. All the kids decorated their dogs, bikes, scooters, strollers and wagons and we walked to the senior housing, where they were outside waving to us and provided some refreshments. I felt like I was in small town America in the 1950s and just loved it!! Later that night we watched the fireworks on the beach, pretty wonderful venue for the show. Evan enjoyed the fireworks, but liked sliding down the hill even more. One more highlight is Firefly sweet tea (, which we enjoyed a few times. It is "an infusion of American Tea and Firefly Vodka". Mix it with a little lemonade, and I'm telling you, you've got the greatest summertime cocktail! They were selling out of it so quickly, we couldn't get any to take home. They begin selling it in Florida in August, I can't wait.
Thanks Jen, Matt, Abby & Bryan for a great trip! It was really nice to get away for a few days and hang out with old friends. Abby-all our pics with you in them (besides the fireworks one) are on Jen's camera. I PROMISE when I get them, you'll be up on Neville's News!
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