Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mom and Dad Escape!

A few cocktails in
Those horns are crazy, glad none of those cattle got too close to me
Check out the longhorns on the car, I may try that on my van. What do you think?
Jackie, Marvin and I enjoyed a few beers at the Love Shack in the Fort Worth Stockyards

Joe and I had to go to Fort Worth last weekend for work. At first I was really bummed I had to go, I wasn't sure I would be able to leave the kids. But then Peggy came down to watch them and I knew that they couldn't be in better hands. I got to fly on a plane without a child for the first time in 3 1/2 years and it was a tad bit glorious! We ended up having a good time and I even got in a little sight seeing in the 36 hours we were gone. Of course I missed the kids, but I must say it was nice getting away for a little while.

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