Happy 3rd Birthday Evan!
As Darth Vader
The day began nice and early as he woke up at 6:30am to open his presents. Evan & I went to the bounce house with some of his friends that day and then that night, we picked up Nani from the airport and went out to dinner. When we got home, we had some cake and he got some presents from Nani. He had a very good day and thankfully it was rather low key for us.

Out to dinner with Nani
Here are some things about you now that you are 3.
You've been potty trained since March, so 9 months now! You wear size 3T or 4T shirts and 3T pants. You weigh 34 pounds and are probably 38-39 inches tall. You wear a size 10 1/2 to 11 shoe.
Your favorite TV show is Word World. You like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Handy Manny too, but when you choose to watch a show it is ALWAYS Word World. Your favorite movie is still Peter Pan, you like the Disney cartoon one, Hook and the "grown-up one Mandi got you" that I let you watch sometimes. You still enjoy your Disneyland sing alongs as well.
Favorite games: Baseball, basketball and soccer are your favorite sports. You love air hockey and anytime we are somewhere that has it, that's about all you want to do. You love puzzles and could spend hours putting them together and taking them apart. You love board games, especially Candyland, Cranium Doggy Bingo and the Goodnight Moon game. (Since your birthday you got Zingo and that is your new favorite game).
You love to read books and now like to read us books where you make up the words. Your favorite books right now are The Polar Express, Curious George Goes to the Movies, Jay Jay the Jet Plane and The Drummer Boy. This list changes on a weekly basis.
You know all the uppercase and lowercase letters in the alphabet, as well as their phonetics. You also know your numbers 1-10 and all of your shapes. You know how to spell Evan, Mom, Dad, Joe, Joey, dog, duck, stop (your favorite one to spell b/c of stop signs), pie and pig. Word World is absolutely your favorite show and I credit that show with your love of spelling. You love to sound out words to learn how to spell new ones. Teaching you how to read has been quite the learning experience for me too!
You are so excited to be a big brother. You love to touch my belly when the baby is moving and say "stop kicking mommy baby." You ask if you can teach her to do all sorts of things when she comes out. You pray for her many times a night and you are always bringing her things. You often say "I love you baby". She is going to be one lucky little sister!
You love to be the center of attention, but then sometimes, when you are, you make up your own language as a "protection".
You love to play pretend and dress up. Your favorite things to dress up as are a pirate, peter pan and star wars characters.
Your favorite songs are by the Black Eyed Peas-Boom Boom Pow and Tonight's Going to be a Good Night. Since it's Christmas time, you're favorite songs are Rudolph and Jingle Bells.
You love to color and do arts and crafts. A coloring book can occupy you for at least an hour, thankfully that's about how long church is. Speaking of which, you are very good sitting through church each week. There is no nursery or children's mass, you sit with us for an hour and 15 minutes each week and do wonderfully.
Favorite foods: waffles, pancakes, bananas, clementines, avocado, yogurt, pretzels, pirate booty, apples without the skin, bagels with cream cheese, ice cream, broccoli, grilled cheese, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, black beans and french fries. You are starting to like turkey sandwiches and request it pretty regularly. You insist that you love cheeseburgers, but every time we get you one, you take 2 bites and then no longer like it. It's kind of funny...
You love to read books and now like to read us books where you make up the words. Your favorite books right now are The Polar Express, Curious George Goes to the Movies, Jay Jay the Jet Plane and The Drummer Boy. This list changes on a weekly basis.
You know all the uppercase and lowercase letters in the alphabet, as well as their phonetics. You also know your numbers 1-10 and all of your shapes. You know how to spell Evan, Mom, Dad, Joe, Joey, dog, duck, stop (your favorite one to spell b/c of stop signs), pie and pig. Word World is absolutely your favorite show and I credit that show with your love of spelling. You love to sound out words to learn how to spell new ones. Teaching you how to read has been quite the learning experience for me too!
You are so excited to be a big brother. You love to touch my belly when the baby is moving and say "stop kicking mommy baby." You ask if you can teach her to do all sorts of things when she comes out. You pray for her many times a night and you are always bringing her things. You often say "I love you baby". She is going to be one lucky little sister!
You love to be the center of attention, but then sometimes, when you are, you make up your own language as a "protection".
You love to play pretend and dress up. Your favorite things to dress up as are a pirate, peter pan and star wars characters.
Your favorite songs are by the Black Eyed Peas-Boom Boom Pow and Tonight's Going to be a Good Night. Since it's Christmas time, you're favorite songs are Rudolph and Jingle Bells.
You love to color and do arts and crafts. A coloring book can occupy you for at least an hour, thankfully that's about how long church is. Speaking of which, you are very good sitting through church each week. There is no nursery or children's mass, you sit with us for an hour and 15 minutes each week and do wonderfully.
Favorite foods: waffles, pancakes, bananas, clementines, avocado, yogurt, pretzels, pirate booty, apples without the skin, bagels with cream cheese, ice cream, broccoli, grilled cheese, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, black beans and french fries. You are starting to like turkey sandwiches and request it pretty regularly. You insist that you love cheeseburgers, but every time we get you one, you take 2 bites and then no longer like it. It's kind of funny...
You love to be the center of attention. You love to talk, you don't really ever stop (where in the world did that come from?). You are a very sweet boy, with a good heart. You love your family and your friends very much. Happy 3rd Birthday Evan! We love you so much!
At the bounce house with Wilson & Bowen
1 comment:
I kind of can't wait for Eamon to be 3. This 1 1/2 stuff has gotten rough the past week or so! What a stinker. And what a sweet entry about Evan. Maybe we'll stop being such chickens and fly down with Eamon to visit you guys sometime.
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