Tuesday, September 29, 2009


There have been no new blog posts because I have no camera. I guess I could write some inspiring things, but really, aren't we all here to see pics of Evan? When we went out on the boat with Bryan & Laura, I accidentally left my camera out in that torrential rain storm. Apparently water and electronics do not mix well. So, I've been without a camera for a month. Which is definitely the LONGEST Evan has gone without having his picture taken. I am trying to do research on cameras before I purchase one and am really just procrastinating. Hopefully by this weekend we will have one and I can take more pics of my favorite subject. I have to take a picture of Evan in his BEST BIG BROTHER EVER t-shirt that he will be wearing to our ultrasound next Friday. Just a few days away and we will know if this little peanut is a boy or girl!

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