Today Evan is 21 months old. Not the biggest of milestones, but wow, it's just 3 months away from your 2nd birthday. Where has the time gone? I thought I would look back on where we were over the last 2 years at this time. What a difference 2 years makes. 2 years ago, you and I were in Mexico (but you didn't know it) for Colleen & Chris' wedding and just on Monday, they had their first baby, a girl named Ella Grace. You moved a lot in my belly, but you were a lot easier to keep track of then!
I think you enjoyed all the food I ate there; I had to get my money's worth since it was an all-inclusive and I couldn't indulge in the cocktails!
One year ago, you were a speedy crawler instead of the sprinting hopping all over the place little boy you are now. Last year, the only clear word you said was "hi" (which was still pretty darn impressive for a 9 month old), now you never stop talking and you seem to know the words for everything. You amaze me each day with the words you say that I had no idea you knew. Today it was Eeyore. Last year you had straight redish/dark brown hair. Now it's curly and blondish brown. Last year you were still pretty chubby and now you are built just like your daddy-long and lean!
Happy 21 months little man. You amaze me more each day and you teach me more about life and myself with each passing minute. Thanks buddy, you are the greatest blessing (along with your daddy). I'm the luckiest girl in the world!
1 comment:
love the preggo picture of you ~ too cute!
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