The Nuk is gone, yippee!! Anyone who knows me, knows that Evan's nuk "sippy cup" has been the thorn in my side for months now. Evan didn't have the easiest time transferring from a bottle to a sippy cup, until we used the Nuk. The Nuk is just a bottle with handles. Babies are not supposed to drink from bottles after they are 1. Evan would drink EVERYTHING but milk from the plethora of other sippy cups we had. But not his milk, it had to be in the Nuk. Since it soothed him, I gave up up the fight. I mean, he never took a pacifier, has never gotten attached to a "lovey", so this was his thing. But just last week I decided that he's approaching 2 and although it's not as bad as Suri Cruise and her nursing bottle, it's close. So, we got rid of it. And he's done really well. I let him choose any cup he wants when he gets his milk and he still looks for his Nuk, but it's nowhere to be found. And so, he just chooses another. His milk consumption has plummeted to about 5 ounces a day, but he eats enough dairy I don't care. I'm so proud of him, way to go Evan :)!