Sunday, April 15, 2012

Windermere 5K

 Jen & Bowen (she pushed him most of the way in a very deep sandy course, I'm super impressed!!)
 Running towards the finish line
 Me & Evan post race
 The boys, Bowen, Robert & Evan
 We did it!

Evan & I ran our first 5K together yesterday. I hope it's the first of many. He was a real trooper. It was Evan's idea to run it together this year after I ran it last year. I was a tad bit skeptical that a 5 year old could run 3.1 miles. I was more skeptical that I could run it! After some practice to ensure he could at least walk the distance, we signed up. The first mile was the hardest b/c he was tired and his bug bites itched badly due to all the blood flowing through his body. Plus, we lost sight of his friends Robert (who ran it in 27 minutes!) and Bowen (b/c he caught a ride in the stroller), which I think took away some of his drive. So, then I created a new drive. My encouraging words only did so much, so I ended up bribing him with a trip to Target after the race to purchase whatever Diary of a Wimpy Kid book he wanted next. It worked like magic. From there on out, we alternated between running and walking and he was a real trooper. He received a lot of encouragement from the crowd and the people who were right next to us the whole way. He managed to have enough energy to hurdle over every single green cone there was along our route and was thrilled to see Dad, Claire, Robert & Jen waiting for him at the finish line cheering him on. It was a real bonding experience for us and I really am proud of him! So what if I had to use bribery??? He's 5 and he did it!

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