Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Evan's Reading Update

Over the last year, Evan's reading has improved dramatically. I am amazed daily by the words he can read and comprehend. He is dying to start reading chapter books, which is great. But, I'm still just trying to make sure he is very solid in his fundamental reading. And why should a 4 year old read books without pictures, that's boring! I want to keep the fun in reading for him. Today, he read a book that focuses on long vowel sounds. I don't ever video him reading, but today thought I would do it so I could just record it for the future. You can see at the beginning, he's not too crazy about being taped, but warms up to the idea rather quickly.

So, this is for Nani and Grandma (and any one else who cares) to see his reading skillz :).

I couldn't get it to upload to Blogger, so here's the link to YouTube:

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