I took Evan last week to get his 2 year old pictures taken. They turned out so great I could not choose which one I wanted. So, of course, I ordered 4. Then I got the CD for free, which is perfect!
Some things about Evan as a 2 year old:
Favorite Foods: broccoli, avocado, pasta with butter and parm, waffles with syrup and butter, yogurt smoothies, blueberries, bananas, hot dogs, black beans, yogurt, milk with a drop of chocolate, grilled cheese, chicken and ranking #1 is KETCHUP.
Words: He speaks in full sentences now, it's awesome. It still amazes me the things that come out of his mouth, like "No way Jose". I know exactly what he wants (for good and bad)
Personality: He is so full of life and has a great spirit. He is very very opinionated and independent. He must do everything on his own-from preparing his morning waffle from putting it into the toaster, putting all the fixings on it and cutting it. He must chose what he wears (he prefers his Horsey shirts (polo) or ones with footballs and baseballs on it. He could be the happiest kid I know, most of the time. Being so strong spirited, there are some tantrums when things don't go his way, but for the most part, he can be reasoned with, it's really nice! He is such a creature of habit, he must do things the exact same way every time (like having a waffle for breakfast EVERY morning), to climbing in the car seat himself, to wanting to watch the same thing on TV every day (Sesame Street & Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and the movie Peter Pan)
Favorite Toys: Thomas, geotrax train, 7 dwarfs, diner, tool bench, basketball, baseball, soccer, cars
Skills: He is great at catching the ball and hitting it with a bat or golf club and kicking a soccer ball. I'm amazed by how good he is at these games. He loves to play his matching game (Brown Bear, Polar Bear). He can count to 15, knows his ABCs (memorized the song), knows his colors. We are working on our shapes and identifying his letters.