On October 18, you were 10 months old! So much has changed over the last month, you are really moving all over the place. You are such a great crawler and you love being able to get where you want to go. You are so deliberate in your crawling, it's really amusing. It has really helped with your separation anxiety. You still cry when I leave you at Ms. Erin's, but she said that you are much happier during the day then you used to be. You no longer cry when dad or I walk out of the room either, you now know you can follow us.
You are also pulling yourself up on everything. You aren't standing up when you pull up, but you get up high on your knees. You are able to pull yourself up to standing, but only when you pull on my clothes, not sure why that is...
Clothes: size 3 diaper still, but that's because we are trying to get rid of them, you will be in size 4 as soon as we finish our jumbo pack! You wear 12-18 month clothes and just bought you size 4 1/2 shoes. Mom decided you need shoes (even though you aren't supposed to wear them until you can walk) after you crawled throughout the pumpkin patch in your socks last weekend.
Illness: You got your first illness right before you turned 10 months old. You did really well through it and I am really just impressed that it took this long to get sick. Here's hoping that you inherited your dad's immunity!
Feeding: You love food, especially vegetables. You would be happy to just eat broccoli all day long (I sure hope that continues!). You also love chicken, turkey, carrots, peas, corn, green beans, daal and pasta. Pretty much-you eat it all.
Drinking: You have mastered the sippy cup after months of trying. You really seem to love water. I'm still not giving you juice b/c I don't see any nutritional value in it. You still love your formula and even though you are great at eating solid foods, you still drink lots of formula a day (24-28 ounces a day).
Toys/Games: Your favorite toy is the one that Aunt Kelly bought you where you are supposed to hammer balls into these holes and then they go through a maze. You just love the balls themselves and playing with them-you haven't quite figured out the rest of the toy yet. But you are so happy to see it all set up, with the balls displayed on top; that you will crawl clear across the room as fast as you can and knock them off. It's hilarious!
"Words:" By far, you say "bye-bye" accompanied by a wave, the most. You love to say that. You still say "hi" a lot and now have returned to saying "mama" and "dada" a good amount too. Dad & I are hoping that you know what those words mean now! You say "baba" for your balls and bottle now too!
Teeth: You now have 6 teeth! Three of your top teeth popped through within 4 days of each other. Now you have 3 on top and 3 on the bottom. Your two middle and the one on your left, both on top and bottom. Do teeth grow on your right side...we'll keep a look out!
Sleep: Lately you've been sleeping to 7 or 7:30am, this is a very welcome present from you to me and dad! Although, you have not been so good about your napping lately. But I think I'll take the later wake up time :). Some days, when we are home all day, you nap twice a day. But mostly, I think you get 1 nap in.