Joe, Danielle, Joe & Evan in La Jolla looking at the seals

Lauren, Jenna, Evan, me, Uncle John, Megan

Evan and his godmother, Jenna

California sunset

At the park by our old house in PB

Megan, Evan, Jenna & Lauren

Joe being a good sport as Lauren painted his nails

The Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach

My boys
When we left Arizona, we headed for our favorite place in the U.S.-San Diego! We stayed with our friends, Joe, Marylou and Danielle and visited some of our favorite spots. We took Evan by our old apartment in PB, and the beach that we used to hang out at. There's a playground there at the beach, that he played at and it was just funny to me to see him there playing. Who would have thought about that 7 years ago when we met. We went to go see the seals in La Jolla, went to the beach in Del Mar, played in the Zamorano's pool, jumped on their trampoline, ate some carne asada burritos and had some fabulous seafood meals. Evan loved playing with Danielle, who is 8 and she was very patient playing with him.
After our days in San Diego, we headed up the 5 to go see the Wesseln's in Newport Beach. They were staying at their beach house right on the beach. It was wonderfully relaxing to stay there with them and spend so much quality time visiting on the beach. Evan loved playing with all the kids (who are really like teenagers/adults)-Lauren, Megan & Jenna and loved being with Aunt Debbie and Uncle Curtis as well. We also got to see some other family while we were up there which was really nice. One of the best things was that it was actually kind of cold, especially at night. I got to wear pants and sweatshirts. Now that may not sound exciting to most, but when it's been hotter than you know what since APRIL, it feels darn good to be cold and not from the AC :).
All in all, it was a fantastic vacation. We didn't want to leave, but after being gone for almost 2 weeks, it was time to return home. Evan, a very seasoned traveler (this was probably his 16th RT flight), was perfect on all flights and just a great traveler. Thanks to everyone for having us, we loved it!!