I'm a year old today!
Cake is much more fun when I smash it up in my hands
Me with my birthday balloons. I love balloons!
Enough with the pictures mom!
On December 18 at 9:50pm, you turned 1 year old! I still cannot believe that I am your mom, much less been your mom for a year now. The year has flown by (although a few days felt like years), but it really blows my mind that my baby boy is already one year old. It has been such an amazing year, a whirlwind of activity and progress. You have accomplished so much in just one short year.
Stats: Size 4 diaper, size 5 or 5 1/2 shoe, size 12-18 mo clothes for most, some 18-24 months. You are 22 pounds and 30 inches. 50% for weight and 70% for height. You r growth has definitely slowed down a lot, but you are still growing well.
Food: You eat pretty much everything, your favorites are waffles, bananas, applesauce, broccoli, cheese, cottage cheese and pasta. We are working on getting you off of formula and you do a great job drinking milk when it's mixed with the formula. But you are not crazy about milk on its own quite yet.
Drinking: We are still working on getting you on the sippy cup, but you are excellent at using a straw and drinking out of a regular cup. Once we get settled in Florida the bottle is going to disappear and we may just have to resort to straw cups for you.
Movement: You crawl super fast and are pulling yourself up all over the place. You are really good at standing by yourself with no hands. You don't cruise that much, but I wouldn't be too surprised if you just started walking from your no hands standing soon.
Words: Your new words this month are ball, baby and uh-oh. Uh-oh is typically associated with you throwing something on the ground, which is pretty funny most of the time. Hi is still your favorite word and it is now often accompanied with the biggest wave. You will flag people down across a room to say hi. It is adorable! You are so clear and articulate in your speech, it is very impressive. No one has trouble understanding what it is you are saying.
Teeth: You still have 8 teeth, with 2 molars on the way. One seems to just be breaking through the gum right now.
Sleep: You're still not a stellar sleeper lately, but I'm really hoping that will all change once we stop carting you all over the country and you are settled in our new home.
Favorites: books--Backyardigands Jingle Bell Christmas, Where is Baby's Belly Button, Santa Get Dressed, 100 animals, Goodnight Moon; toys-- tupperware, gears, fisher price house, shape sorter, balls, keys, phone, remote, balloons, bubbles.
Other new things: You know where your head is and your nose. You also know how to throw both arms up in the air when I ask you "How big is Evan", so big! You do the same movement when we say "Touchdown Cowboys!" Aunt Laura taught you how to hug and you are such a good hugger. You love to hug everything-me and dad, your friends, your relatives, your stuffed animals, the floor. You are also pretty sensitive to other kids crying, if they cry, you cry too. You don't like to see your friends sad :(. In the last few days you have begun dancing when you hear music. You love to shake your little torso and shake your head to the music!
Thank you for the most amazing year. You have taught us so much and have brought us infinite joy. We love you so much!