Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Claire is 2 months!

I cannot believe how fast time has flown by! Claire was 2 months old yesterday. She is such a good, happy baby. We are so lucky. She has made the transition from a family of 3 to a family of 4 effortless. She sleeps well, eats well and is just happy.

We had her checkup today and she is 13lbs, 7oz (95%) and 23 inches long (90%). Her head is 95% too. She is huge, as you can tell by the photos. She has a million little chins and rolls all over. She still looks just like Evan did to me, but she is still holding onto her blue eyes. Although I don't think they'll be staying blue. They seem to be getting a little darker to me.

She eats 4-5 oz every 3-4 hours during the day and has been sleeping from about 8:30pm to 5:30am for the past 2 weeks. I mean seriously, she is being too kind to us (and I greatly appreciate it!).

She smiles now and really makes great eye contact. She loves her big brother and always smiles when she sees him. She loves to be held, especially with her head up against my chest. She likes the swing and tolerates the bouncy seat while I shower. She could stare at the ceiling fans forever. Good thing we have them in every room since we are in Florida. And she loves being outside.

She loves the bath, she has never fussed once while in the water. She just seems sad when it's all over. I can't wait to put her in the pool!

She is wearing size 1-2 diapers and 3-6 months clothes. And thankfully she tolerates me dressing her up in many outfits a day, just to make sure she gets a chance to wear them all! She hasn't lost any of the hair she was born with, nor has she gotten any more. But it does do this crazy mohawk thing in the back, as you can see in the pictures. She has this cowlick right up at her bang line too, which will make for some interesting times as she gets older.

I love you little Claire bear! Happy 2 months :)!

Monday, April 26, 2010

My favorite outfit

Claire has so many clothes that I honestly feel like I need to put her in 2 outfits a day. Our friends and family have been so generous with the amount of clothes they have given her.  She is growing so fast and is so long that she is almost too big for her 3-6 months clothes. She is just 2 months old! I love this outfit so much and was so excited to put her in it. I found it at a consignment sale this past fall and it is one of the few things I've actually bought her. I hope she stays put at this size for a few more weeks, she's got to wear this more than once!

Sibling Love

Evan is just smitten over his little sister and Claire seems equally in love with her big brother. They sure are lucky to have each other!

My little princess

I was hardly girly as a child.  I would have much rather played sports with the boys then put on makeup with the girls. I was definitely the tomboy type and I guess I still am. So how ironic is it that I want my little girl to be as girly as possible? I know that soon enough she'll be whatever she wants to be, so for now, I can make her my little princess.

Grandma and Baba come to visit!

Last week my parents came to visit us and meet Claire for the first time. It also happened to be Joe's first week fully back on the road. They were INCREDIBLY helpful while they were here and we all had such a good time with them. So good that I forgot to take many pictures. I am glad that my parents took a few so that we have record that they were here. They got up with Evan each morning and got him ready and fed him breakfast. They even took him to a baseball game! And they snuggled with Claire as much as they could as well. They even babysat one night so I could go out with friends. We miss them already!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


FINALLY, the day came that Evan began playing t-ball. He has been asking almost every day for about the past year when he can begin playing. He loves baseball and is thrilled to "be on a team by myself". He had his first game last Friday when my parents were in town. Baba couldn't have been happier to be out there on the field helping him and his teammates. The first game went well, all the kids did a great job hitting the ball off of the tee. Joe is one of the coaches of Evan's team, which is made of 3 and 4 year olds. Evan is the youngest kid on his team.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sunny Satur-Park Day

Evan is in an enrichment program on Saturday mornings where he learns all kinds of fun things, like today he learned about the crust, mantle and core of the Earth. A few weeks ago he learned about the Presidents and loves to point out Barack Obama now (both Grandpas are surely proud!). He really loves it and has learned a lot. 

The last few Saturdays the weather has been beautiful here. So, we've been picking Evan up at 11:30am when Cranium Clubhouse is over and all going to the park for a picnic lunch and family outdoor fun away from the tourist crowds. It's such a wonderful day to spend with the four of us. This was today.


 Check out my new trick-smiling!!

Little Claire is growing so fast, too fast for my liking. I took her to the doctor last week because she had a cold, poor thing. The joys of being a second child, your big brother brings home all kinds of germs. She is thankfully fine now! When we were at the doctor, they weighed her and she weighed 11lbs, 4oz. Which means she easily weighs 12 pounds now. I love that she's so healthy and growing like she should, but it's going by way too fast! How is she already 6 weeks old? Here are some pics from last week, she's wearing size 3-6 mo clothes. What? She is definitely following in her brother's footsteps in looks and in size. However, as big as she is, she still has some skinny legs (lucky girl!).

Easter 2010

The four of us had a wonderful Easter, our first holiday with little Claire. We were quite busy with all of the fun things that Easter brings.
Dying Easter Eggs with Maxwell

Playdate and Easter Egg Hunt with our friends at our house

 Easter Egg Hunt with Maxwell and Dylan

Easter Morning at our home-look the Easter Bunny came!
Easter dress #2-when  you have so many cute clothes, you have to change at least once a day!